"Empowering individuals with community-based solutions since 1999."

FIRE Projects (Flagstaff International Relief Effort) is a 501c.3 nonprofit organization based in Flagstaff, Arizona with a branch office in Ulaanbaatar Mongolia. FIRE has been working throughout Mongolia since 1999 with a specific focus on liver health since 2009. Our award-winning community health programs continue to evolve, meeting the challenges of a rapidly changing world through sustainable programming, empowering communities and individuals.


FIRE works to improve health and development through value-centered, community-based programs encompassing cultural diversity and heritage.


Communities around the world are empowered with a higher quality of life through access to safe health care and sustainable resources for responsible development.

map of work
People Screened for Liver Diseases
Communities Served
Healthcare Workers Trained
Resources Provided
$ 0


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