FIRE’s low overhead expenses help make the most of your donation. Only 6% of FIRE’s donations are used for administrative cost.  Learn more about our Financial Information, by reading the “Why Choose FIRE” page and by reading our Guidestar Profile.

Your support makes our work possible. Thank you!

Consider the difference your support can make in the lives of others, your donation could:  

    • $50 – Friend  – Full course of viral hepatitis B vaccine for three people
    • $200 – Supporter  – Comprehensive liver screening for eight rural, uninsured Mongolians
    • $500 – Donor – Fix the teeth of five grade school aged children
    • $1,000 – Patron – Provide food and firewood for one year for one elder in Langtang, Nepal
    • $3,500 – Benefactor  – Support FIRE’s work in Mongolia for one month
    • Other

Please tell us if you’d like to donate to one of FIRE’s specific projects:

  • Please use it where it is needed most.
  • I want my donation to support Mongolia
  • I want my donation to support Nepal

If you feel more comfortable giving us your credit card information over the phone please call us directly at 928-779-2288. If you feel more comfortable sending a donation via mail, you can send it to us at the address below. If you would like to discuss other donation methods such as secure wire transfer or in-kind donations, please contact us at

PO Box 22187
Flagstaff, AZ 86002

$225,565.06 donated
107 Donors