Fifth Health Sector Development Project (FiHSDP),


FIRE assisted the Canadian Society for International Health (CSIH), as they led Phase 2 of the Fifth Health Sector Development Project (FiHSDP). This project matched local experts with international experts in blood safety, healthcare waste management, and infection prevention and control to provide technical support for policy development, facility planning, and capacity building. Healthcare workers were trained, upgraded equipment was provided to hospitals, and precise technical guidelines were developed. The advancements established through this project ensured that educational resources, medical equipment, and waste management procedures meet internationally accepted standards.

By implementing the health care safety project, ADB and the Mongolian government not only strengthened day-to-day blood safety and waste management practices for hospitals but also improved preparedness for emergencies in case of natural disasters. The main focus areas were three aspects of healthcare safety: blood transfusions, medical waste management, and hospital-acquired infection prevention and control. Through this project, the following measures were taken to increase safety in healthcare facilities:

  • Safe Blood Transfusions
    • An internationally accredited transfusion center wasestablished in Ulaanbaatar.
    • Capacity-building activities were implemented for healthcare workers to increase their knowledge of safe blood transfusion practices.
  • Medical Waste Management
    • The central medical waste management facility was expanded and upgraded to meet international standards.
    • The national medical waste management system hospitals use was upgraded to meet national standards.
  • Infection Prevention and Control
    • Microbiology laboratories in hospitals were upgraded to meet national standards.
    • An effective surveillance system was put in place for hospital-acquired infections.
    • Capacity-building activities were implemented to increase the knowledge of infection control procedures among healthcare workers, healthcare authorities, and administrative staff.